KETHAKI DEVELOPERS AND BUILDERS PRIVATE LIMITED is working in real estate industry since 15 years in construction, and apartment development etc. The investment of the customer in our company is absolutely safe and secure and every facility is provided to the customer.
We’re dedicated to achieving our vision by creating an energetic, positive, results - driven work environment focused on the investment and development of long-term relationships.
Our vision is to be the leading real estate service provider in the region and the preferred place of employment for real estate professionals.
Communication, commitment, and client care are the core values that emanate throughout every activity that we undertake.
Creating a strategic plan that outlines the organization's goals and how they will be achieved & organizing resources to accomplish the plan.
We help you connect with your crowd to support your growth, goals and make giving happen.
Analyzing performance metrics, making changes to the plan needed, evaluating outcomes to determine the effectiveness to achieve objectives.
It’s easy! newly starting crowd is Utilizing crowd funding great opportunity to gain build capital crypto from alternative revenue stream.
A solution that worked well for their flower stand. At the end of the day, your small business is unique research.
While educating your employees on password security is important, it’s not the only step toward properly protect.
In most organizations, employees only need access to part of the data set. Provide access to information based on who requires